Stop, drop and…roll? Not quite. #stopdropandselfie #nofilter #morninghair @0htaiwanmei (I pretty much tag whoever feels like doing it. I may be the last person in the world who hadn’t done it yet)
#linecamera Two things I carry with me: my Boys 🐶 and my girl 🎀 #lovewillfindaway #miniaturedachshund #bassethound #charmedarms #alexandani @alexandani #lgbt #stopanimalabuse @calictii
When the going gets tough, the tough buy tiny makeup at 3am #makeup #sephora #benefitcosmetics #bareesscentuals #gastroparesis @benefitcosmetics @bareesscentuals @sephora
I am so proud of the progress I’ve made and the art I can now create since @hospitalgirl passed away. I think Corynna would be happy to see it. 🎀 My #visionimpairment and #essentialtremor mean I have to practice looks and concepts more and I poke myself in the eye A LOT, but it’s days like today where I feel the most beautiful. #couragefromcorynna #mitochondrialdisease #makeup #disability @revlon @urbandecaycosmetics @benefitcosmetics @makeupforeverofficial @milanicosmetics @covergirl @freshbeauty @maybelline