Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Flickr Rant

Paper Doll Bunny
Originally uploaded by reinedelaseine14

I can't believe it...Flickr's been doing a photo preview for a new layout which I turned off but it's now public. The new layout's to stay. Which sucks because not only can I not view a photo without having to move my screen around I now can't get the image URL.

Flickr's rules say I have to link back to the photo. DoA's rules say I can't. Yet...I and many of my doll friends use Flickr to share our photos. What a mess!

So I might have to go back to Photobucket for image hosting...but I HATE PB with a passion now since there's all the adds, the spam, and the adware that I didn't have to contend with three years ago when I joined. Plus...I PAY to use Flickr.

Even more, I use enlarged fonts on my computer due to a vision impairment and PB's site layout distorts everything and causes it to all overlap on each other on the page.

What to do????? I don't know if I should try ImageShack or Snapfish or something...